Preparing the Church
for the Future

We’re Pivot NW Research and we're passionate about empowering young adults (23-29) in churches and communities. Since 2016 we've been working with churches and ministry leaders to facilitate strategic engagement, and encourage leadership identification for young adults.




Defiant Hope,
Active Love

A crucial guide for church leaders navigating faith community changes. Authored by Jeffrey F. Keuss, this book offers practical insights to engage young adults in leadership and foster growth. Backed by five years of research, it provides resources to revitalize faith communities. If you're a church leader seeking innovative strategies, this book is a must-read.
a trusted partner for churches, ministries, and congregations seeking to support young adults in church leadership and create spaces for them to grow in faith together. Our extensive experience in research and training programs provides insights and resources tailored to the unique needs of faith communities. Partner with us to increase your impact on the spiritual lives of young adults and strengthen your ability to serve them.

PACE Initiative Program

PACE is Pivot NW Research's program focused on creating networks of support and accountability for young adults within the church. Our goal is to work across congregational networks and partner with church and ministry leaders, as well as young adults, to create a more hospitable and dynamic church for 20-somethings.

Our Resources

Explore our resources for engaging and retaining young adults in your faith community

Valuable insights into young adults' spiritual lives and how congregations can serve them, based on extensive research with 12 Innovation Hubs from across the nation.
Engage young adults with our discussion guides, blog articles, videos, and podcasts covering relevant topics in young adult lives and ministry.
We collaborated with church partners across the northwest to identify strengths of how congregations are serving young adults, and to explore areas for growth so our church communities can flourish.
Use Ideation Labs and Storychasing to understand your community and establish innovative approaches to develop a sustainable young adult ministry.

Take Action to Empower Young Adults in Your Church: Implement These 5 Strategies Today

Elevate young adults to areas of leadership in the congregation (where budget-making decisions occur).
Collect and listen to
stories about your church from people of various generations
Budget for and implement a program for intergenerational
relationship building. Include reciprocal (or "reverse") mentorship and vulnerability.
Create and support ($$$) a space for young adults to grow in faith together.
Build a young adult
initiative team at
your church.

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