PACE Fellows is a cohort program for young adults designed to help them live more fully into their gifts, calling, and leadership of the church. Each PACE Fellow will enter the program with a sponsoring church, pastor, and a liaison to walk alongside them. A successful Fellowship will have elements of relationship building, innovation, confidence building, and reciprocal intergenerational support.

2023-24 Fellows Cohorts

Social Justice & Peacemaking Dialogue - Partnership with Ted Lewis and Restorative Church

Social Justice and Peacemaking Dialogue have been big themes in the church over the last decade.  But have they become integrated? Polarizing conversations in these challenging times have left people hungry for healthy models of dialogue. American society has experienced many pressures and backlashes to changes, highlighting which communities are losing power and which ones are gaining voice. Sometimes the church is on the sidelines, and sometimes it is smack in the middle of those transitions. Facilitators for this cohort will be pastors of local churches who are also already engaged in social justice work and advocacy. They will receive further training in Restorative Justice practices and theory, and learn skills to move hard conversations from the defensive head-zone to the open heart-zone.

Young adults and mentors who participate in this program:
  • Will be introduced to restorative justice practices;
  • Will network with peers as well as intergenerationally across the greater Seattle area;
  • Will receive a stipend and create a deeper relationship with their mentor;
  • Will have a clearer sense of how their commitment to justice and their faith are related and inform each other;
  • Will have experiential learning opportunities to build listening-based facilitation skills.

2023-2024 Schedule:

Program Kickoff Banquet: SEPTEMBER 30 2-8pm, Location TBD
Monthly evening meeting by Zoom (Each Facilitator will choose a different regular night, e.g. third Thursday 6-8)
Program Conclusion Banquet: APRIL 20 4-10pm, Location TBD

Meet our Facilitators (23-24 Cohorts)

Daniel Kytonen

Artist & Spiritual Director
Daniel Kytonen is an artist, spiritual director, and stay-at-home dad based in Seattle, WA. With over a decade of experience in ministry, he is passionate about helping people connect to God's presence as they journey through various seasons of life. He enjoys listening to others' stories, making art that explores mystery and liminality, and eating delicious hotpot with friends.
  • Daniel's group will meet on Third Thursdays (6-8pm):
    10/19, 11/16, 12/21, 1/18, 2/15, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16

Eunice Lin-Sawyer

Seattle Area Convener Grounded Faith Initiative with Parish Collective
Eunice Lin-Sawyer is the Seattle Area Convener for the Grounded Faith Initiative with Parish Collective through which she gets to meet with pastors, church leaders, and young adults to encourage their own neighborhood discernment, engagement, and new ventures. She also works alongside Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil to train and consult churches and Christian organizations in racial justice and reconciliation. Prior to moving to Seattle, she spent 7 years as a social worker before entering full-time ministry in her home church in Singapore where she led the young adult ministry and set up her church’s local outreach and justice ministry. She loves being able to pioneer new work, bridge differences, challenge the status quo, and be a tad subversive in all she does. She believes in rooting deeply despite feeling transient and being a foreigner in this country.
  • Eunice's group will meet on Second Thursdays (6-8pm):
    10/12, 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9

Aaron Cho

Aaron Cho joined the Quest staff in 2012, relocating to the Seattle area from Pasadena, California. In many ways, his journey to Quest serves as a homecoming of sorts, having been born and raised in the great Northwest (represent 253). After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Whitman College, he spent a year teaching English and serving at a church in South Korea. It was there he found his call for pastoral ministry and pursued further educational debt, aka a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary (little did he know he would meet Judith, his future wife, at Fuller). Through his experience growing up and serving in the Korean immigrant church and also serving as a pastor in a predominantly African-American, multiethnic/multicultural church, he strongly values racial reconciliation and the myriad of ways in which people connect with and worship the living God. He loves engaging life through sports, eating amazing food from every culture, reading, and beating his wife in Monopoly Deal.
  • Aaron's group meeting night will be announced soon.

Past Cohorts Programs


Arts & Artistry

Artistry in the church is often something that feels compromised, marginalized, or inappropriately instrumentalized for other priorities in the church such as evangelism. This cohort will work with facilitators from the Brehm Center to help young adults (and their liaisons) find more comfort operating in the church and advocating for themselves, their peers, and their artistic concerns.

Upcoming Fellows Cohorts


Social Justice

Partnering with Restorative Church

Social Justice is a core value for many young people and the prophetic voice they have brought to the church in the last decade has challenged God's people. This cohort will play in the sandbox of innovative ways to bring social justice initiatives into the church and decide what partnerships can help move the needle on faith formation and outreach to the oppressed.


Entrepreneurship/Enterprise (tentative)

Partnering with TBA

This is not just another "Doing Business As a Christian" community. This theme may narrow further into specific enterprises such as green business, triple-bottom-line, B Corp movement, or other philosophies that look at shalom-building, positive contributions to our ecology and mental health, as well as other deep issues that young Christians want integrated into their lives.

Type your new text here.

  • Each Fellow must be connected with a church and have a supporting statement and promise of support from the senior pastor and a liaison (aka mentor).
  • Both Pastor and Mentor are expected to spend some time studying the Mentorship materials in our Foundations program.
  • Mentors are expected to attend meetings with the Fellows to be a quality interlocutor and advocate within the sponsoring congregation.
Funds will be provided for:
  • The young adult, to honor their time and commitment;
  • The mentor, to honor their time and commitment;
  • Time beyond the 2 retreats for the young adult and mentor to have meals or coffee dates together to discuss hurdles and opportunities.
  • *There may be opportunities for seed money or matching monies for promising innovations or starting projects. Likely, the funds would serve to jumpstart projects with the understanding that future efforts would be self-funded, find other funding, or be adopted into the church's budget priorities.